J-Link Segger סאייטסיס – היבואנית הרשמית בישראל של

For more information:

Zvika Almog



J-LINK & Flasher by Segger

The industry standard in-circuit debugging & programming Probes

(אספקה מיידית – אנו מחזיקים מלאי לרוב הדגמים)


לתמיכה טכנית או קבלת הצעת מחיר

נא ליצור קשר עם אוהד 054-2584032 ohad@sightsys.co.il



Debug and Programming Probes: J-Link & Flasher – The Number One Choice!

The various models of J-Link & Flashers (see comparison table above) work with a PC or in stand-alone mode, connect via USB and/or Ethernet, and are multi-platform for Linux, macOS and Windows.

  • J-Link debug probes are the most popular choice for optimizing the debugging and flash programming experience.


  • SEGGER Flashers are a family of professional in-circuit programmers, designed to be used in service environments, prototype programming, and for mass production.  They program the flash (non-volatile) memory of microcontrollers and Systems-on-Chip (SoCs) as well as (Q)SPI flashes.


Benefit from record-breaking flashloaders, up to 3 MiB/s RAM download speed and the ability to set an unlimited number of breakpoints in the flash memory of MCUs.

J-Link  and Flashers support a wide range of CPUs and architectures. Everything from single 8051 to mass market Cortex-M to high-end cores like Cortex-A (32- & 64-bit).

J-Link and Flashers support directly interfacing SPI flashes, without the need of a CPU between J-Link and the SPI flash (directly communicating via the SPI protocol). J-Link is further supported by all major IDEs, from free Eclipse based ones (directly or via GDB) up to commercial ones, including SEGGER Embedded Studio. See a complete list of supported IDEs here, a complete list of supported devices here and a list of SPI Flashes here.

Download into Flash Memory

J-Link makes Flash memory feel almost like RAM. Since it comes with a set of speed-optimized, built-in flashloaders it can easily and quickly be downloaded into flash memory. Take a look below to find out more information.

The J-Link Software and Documentation Package available for download includes a significant number of tools that make a developer’s job easier and extend the capabilities of J-Link. Almost all J-Link tools have cross platform support and run on Windows, Linux and macOS.

Ozone is a full-featured graphical debugger for embedded systems – and so much more. Thanks to features such as trace, code profiling and code coverage analysis, it is also an extremely powerful performance analyzer. Ozone allows for the debugging of any embedded application on C/C++ source and assembly level, load applications built with any toolchain/IDE or even debug the target’s resident application without any source.

Ozone includes all well-known debug controls and information windows, making use of the best performance of J-Link and J-Trace debug probes. The user interface is highly intuitive, yet fully configurable. Each window can be moved, re-sized and docked to fit every developer’s needs.

Embedded IDE tools – C/C++ Compilers and DebuggersReal Time Operating SystemsDebuggers & JTAG EmulatorsEmbedded Software Testing solutionsMiddleware & SW componentsHW Testing solutions – Boundary-Scan (JTAG) & FunctionalOrganizing, Analyzing & Verification tools for HDL designs, FPGAs, Board schematic, PCB layout and Systems designersHome of CANopen, EtherCAT, PowerLink, ProfiNet– SW Protocols, Data loggers, Interfaces, devices & SolutionsIn-Circuit/Parallel Engineering & Production Device Programmers (Flash/EPROMs/CPLDs…)

For more information: Zvika Almog zvika@sightsys.co.il 054-2101400