Axivion Static Code Analysis

For more information:

Ohad Beit-On


Axivion Using the Next Generation of Static Code Analysis to assure the quality of your software

Axivion Suite brings to you the new generation of static code analysis. Our static code analysis checks your software projects for style violations according to MISRAAUTOSAR C++14CERT or C Secure Coding – many rules from CWE can also be checked. Metric violations are displayed and documented in the same way as violations of coding guidelines. Potential runtime errors are detected by our defect analysis. Redundant and duplicated code is detected and managed by the clone analysis.

Several thousand users worldwide already rely on Axivion Suite to check their code with our state-of-the-art tool for static code analysis for C and C++.

Checker for Coding Guidelines according to MISRA, CERT, AUTOSAR, ISO/IEC TS 17961, CWE and customer specifications

Axivion’s Coding Guidelines checkers cover the coding standards MISRA C:2004, MISRA C:2012 (including MISRA C:2012 Amendment 1 Security Rules and MISRA C:2012 Amendment 2) and MISRA C++:2008 in consideration of MISRA Compliance:2016 and MISRA Compliance:2020. AUTOSAR C++14 (17.03, 17.10, 18.03, 18.10 and 19.03) as well as CERT C and CERT C++, CWE and ISO/IEC TS 17961 (C Secure Coding Standard) are also covered. Your individual customer-specific coding guidelines can be implemented on the basis of the Axivion Suite API.

By using the Axivion Suite’s automatic coding guidelines checkers, risky vulnerabilities in the code are found quickly and during development. The integrated delta analysis enables targeted reactions to newly emerging risks in the code. The reporting options for the identified safety and security problems enable you to prove compliance, i.e. adherence to the selected coding guidelines. The results of the coding guidelines audit can be easily and completely repeated. As a result, and due to the continuous baselining by means of delta analysis, the Axivion Suite coding guidelines checker is also particularly suitable for the preparation and implementation of assessments and audits.

The Axivion cuboids in this image are meant to symbolize Axivion's MISRA Check, which covers 100% of the automated checkable rules of MISRA C:2004, MISRA C:2012 (incl. Amd. 1 Security Rules and Amd. 2) and MISRA C++:2008.

MISRA check

The MISRA coding rules aim at making safety critical systems safer by flagging issues in the code. This enables developers to grind away inherently unsafe and insecure ways of coding C and C++.

Our MISRA checker covers 100 per cent of the automatically checkable rules for MISRA C:2004, MISRA C:2012 (including Amendment 1 security rules and Amendment 2) and MISRA C++:2008 in consideration of the MISRA Compliances…

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The view of the Axivion cubes are meant to symbolize Axivion's AUTOSAR C++14 Check, it covers the automated checkable rules of AUTOSAR C++14 (17.03, 17.10, 18.03, 18.10 and 19.03).

AUTOSAR C++14 check

Axivion´s AUTOSAR C++14 check covers all decidable rules that do not need human interpretation for AUTOSAR C++14 (17.03, 17.10, 18.03, 18.10 and 19.03).

AUTOSAR C++14 includes coding guidelines for using C++14 in safety-critical environments. This standard focuses on the automotive environment but, being up-to-date, it can also be used in other embedded applications…

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Here you are shown cubes in white/grey, which are supposed to represent the CERT Check of Axivion, this covers many of the decidable rules of CERT C and CERT C++.

CERT check

Axivion´s CERT C check covers a lot of decidable rules that do not need human interpretation of the rules.

Our CERT C checks seamlessly integrate into IDEs and CI environments allowing for easy integration into your processes ranging from local checks up to full-fledged automated CI checks with the very same configuration and the very same results…

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This picture shows multiple quaders that shall symbolize the Common Weakness Enumeration Checker of Axivion Suite

CWE check

The Common Weakness Enumeration lists security vulnerabilities, i.e. typical weaknesses in hardware and software. This also distinguishes CWE from other standards, as there are no concrete rules whose compliance could be checked. Nevertheless, Axivion Suite succeeds in identifying many of the vulnerabilities listed in the CWE and thus making them remediable.

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This illustration is intended to symbolize the C Secure Coding Check of Axivion Suite.

C Secure Coding check
(ISO/IEC TS 17961)

The C Secure Coding check  covers many of the decidable rules for C Secure Coding.
C Secure Coding (ISO/IEC TS 17961) focus like Cert on Security. Nevertheless, there is a significant overlap with MISRA and AUTOSAR C++14.

Unlike CERT, ISO/IEC TS 17961 is an international standard. A long duration of the validity of the ruleset should be the result of this standardization. Axivion implemented the rules according to the current 2016 standard…

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Here you are shown cuboids in dark gray/grey, which are supposed to represent Axivion's C Secure Coding Check, this covers many of the decidable rules of ISO/IEC TS 17961.

Customer Specific Coding Guidelines

Add your customer-specific coding guidelines to Axivion Suite and check your code for compliance.

Configuring existing rules to your own needs is also easily possible in the GUI.

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For more information: Ohad Beit-On 054-2584032