להלן תכנית יום העיון:
9:00: Registration
9:30: Introduction to SYSGO:
A detailed look at SYSGO the company, providing high level information on products and vertical markets.
10:00: Avionics & Automotive with PikeOS:
PikeOS for Automotive & Avionics applications including DO-178B & ISO26262 certification history, PikeOS architecture overview, ECO System, hypervisor partition personalities, multicore and certification considerations.
11:15: NXP (Freescale) – QorIQ POWER multi-core T4240/2080/1040 & ARM multi-core LS20xx/10xx. NXP – S32V230 Family of Processors for automotive ADAS Systems – Sasha Strizhiver ארו-ישראל
11:45 PikeOS in Detail: a detailed look at the PikeOS hypervisor, partition personalities, intra and inter partition communication, real time mechanisms, memory sharing and
device driver specifics.
13:00: Lunch
14:00: PikeOS in Detail -Cont..
16:00: CODEO demo: PikeOS development tools
16:40: Summary & Questions